Julie Helping Hands Foundation

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Food is essential to survive, unfortunately nearly half of Nigerians live in poverty and are unable to feed properly. According to UNICEF, an estimated two million children suffer from severe acute malnutrition (SAM) and 32% of children under five (U-5) suffer from stunted growth, the second highest in the world. The COVID-19 pandemic has resulted in economic downturns and is likely to increase the number of people suffering from hunger and acute malnutrition by the end of 2020.

JHF is working to reduce this risk in children to achieve the Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 2-Zero Hunger, by providing nutritious food for those in vulnerable situations, such as orphaned and displaced children. Our feeding programmes ensure that they can feed adequately, so they can learn, play and live healthy lives.

Another important area of focus is the provision of water and sanitary facilities. 63 million Nigerians do not have access to clean drinking water and open defecation is practiced by about a third of rural populations. Water-borne diseases results in the deaths of 70,000 children annually. UN experts have stated that coronavirus will not be stopped without access to Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) services for people most at risk.

JHF is gearing its effort to facilitate the construction of boreholes and toilets in remote areas to improve WASH services and hygiene practices for the most vulnerable groups, including women and girls to fulfill the implementation of SDG 6- Clean Water and Sanitation.

Tungamaje Orphanage Visit

JHF team and the orphanage management during gift presentation
JHF team and the orphanage management during gift presentation
JHF team, the orphanage management and the children during the gift presentation
JHF team, the orphanage management and the children during the gift presentation
Children eating the refreshment provided by JHF
Children eating the refreshment provided by JHF
JHF team and the orphans
JHF team and the orphans
JHF member addressing the children.
JHF member addressing the children.
Some children with exercise books gifts
Some children with exercise books gifts

Vine Heritage Orphanage visit

Items donated to the Orphanage by JHF
Items donated to the Orphanage by JHF
JHF team with some of children at the orphanage
JHF team with some of children at the orphanage
JHF team, Orphanage Director-Stephen Niyi and the children
JHF team, Orphanage Director-Stephen Niyi and the children
JHF team presenting items to the orphanage Director
Pictures of the younger children in the orphanage
Pictures of the younger children in the orphanage
Some older children in the orphanage.

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